5 Factors to Consider When Choosing an MBA Program


If you’re reading this article, I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that you are considering attending business school. Pretty crazy guess considering the title, right?!Listen, any wise person will advise you to use careful consideration when deciding to make any decision in life. That being said, the life altering decision to whether you should attend business school isn’t any different; it requires your careful consideration. Read on to learn the five factors you should consider before you decide to attend business school.

  1. Your Budget

You have probably learned by now that everything in life has a cost associated with it. So it should not come as a surprise that you should consider your budget before you decide to enroll in a MBA program. MBA programs not only cost you money, but they cost you mental bandwidth and TONS of your time. So before you submit your application, make sure that you accounted for your budget.

  1. How The MBA Program Will Affect Your Lifestyle

Hey, we’re all people who are more or less set in our ways and you know what? It’s no big deal. However, not considering how your MBA program will affect your lifestyle is a capital-letter BIG DEAL. Before you choose your MBA Program make sure that you are choosing a program that works with both your current and desired lifestyle. Do you currently have a bit of freedom and are able to commit to a steady two-year program? Or are you a person that is already juggling commitments (Work, parenting, volunteering) and has to pursue a more nontraditional route? I can’t answer this question, only you can. Consider your lifestyle and existing commitments before you enroll into any MBA program.

  1. The Benefits of Each MBA Program

If I was betting man, I would put money on the theory that 100% of people do not enjoy wasting their money or their time. This brings up my next consideration I have for you. I want you to consider the benefits of attending the MBA program you are considering. Realistically you have hundreds of options to possible MBA programs you can attend. Consider what qualities makes certain MBA programs more attractive to you then others. This is a lesson on self awareness. Clearly you want to choose best option that will help you achieve your goals; so do that.

  1. Qualifications

Let’s be honest, we already noted how competitive MBA schools can be! This brings up a very important consideration, are you qualified for the MBA program you are applying for? Typically, MBA programs look for a ‘ healthy’ GPA (3.0 or better), a great GMAT score and the ability to effectively communicate. Are you qualified enough for admissions?

  1. Feedback from Alumni

Whether you decide to apply to New England College or any school with a stellar MBA program, it’s a good idea to consider reaching out to alumni so you can harness and asses their feedback. Sometimes speaking with former students is a great way to learn personal insights about the program. Put your networking skills to work and reach out to alumni to confirm whether or not the MBA program of your choosing is a good fit.

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