This is why web design still matters for your business


As social media becomes an increasingly powerful tool for building a brand, it could be argued that you no longer need a website.

After all, the majority of people are on social media, and you can post the majority of the information and content otherwise reserved for your website on these platforms. Furthermore, creating a social media account is easy and free, without any of the time and money restraints posed by website building.

However, this is to drastically undermine the importance of having a strong, well-designed website.

Although social media is a great marketing tool, it is no substitute for a website. This is because a website gives you enormous flexibility, allowing you to list and sell products, run an SEO-friendly blog, and create dedicated pages full of in-depth information, which is impossible with a Facebook page.

A website is only as good as its design, though. Without an attractive and intuitive design, your website may lose customers rather than increase them.

This is why web design still matters for your business:

Your website is the foundation of your business

There is no doubt that it needs to be designed properly if you are going to have a website. With the vast majority of businesses now online, there is no excuse for shoddy web design. Your website is your virtual shop window, and if it looks dated and is difficult to use, your prospects will go elsewhere.

This is why you should consider using a high-quality web designer, such as ALT Agency, a website designer Birmingham. Using a professional will ensure your website is attractive, secure against virus threats, and easy for your customers to use.

First impressions matter – do not allow your website to let you down

As with anything in life, first impressions matter. Your prospects may not consciously know it, but their opinion of your business is formed mostly through their first few seconds of contact with your brand. If your website is slow to load, looks dated, or has spelling errors, it will reflect poorly on your company as a whole.

Indeed, a good website can mean the difference between establishing long-term customers and struggling for trade because if the customer experience is not pleasant, or your website fails to make your customers feel special, you will quickly lose trade.

This is why web design is so important because it can make or break your customer’s perception of you.

A good website helps you show up in search results

Another reason why web design matters for your business is that it will help your brand rank higher in internet search results.

If your website has an abundance of quality, SEO-friendly content, and an aesthetically pleasing design, you will likely attract an increased number of visitors, which lifts you higher up the search rankings. Of course, the higher you climb, the more visitors you are likely to attract, which creates exponential growth for your brand.

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