A Guide to Starting a New Business


More and more people are leaving the security of their salaried employment to start their own business, and if you are thinking along those lines, there is much to consider. The product or service you plan to offer should be in demand, and after some heavy initial research, if you have determined there is a need for what you plan to offer, you have the basics for a profitable concern.

  1. Crunch the Numbers – Once you are certain that your chosen industry offers a potential future, you will need to cost the start-up, and have at least enough capital to get the ball rolling, plus adequate funds to see you through the first 6 months. More businesses fail due to insufficient funding than any other reason, and if you do not have adequate funding, consider a personal loan to tide you over.
  2. Accounting – It is important to set up a routine for keeping records, something the best accountancy company in Ilford can help you with. It is a mistake to wait until the end of your first year to call in an accountant, as things can very quickly get out of hand.
  1. Marketing– Perhaps the most important aspect of your new business, your marketing plan will determine the level of success you are likely to enjoy, and with a dynamic website and a strong social media presence, you can begin to create a following.Creating a successful business is never easy, and with a lot of determination, untold amounts of optimism and a can-do attitude, your enterprise should be successful.

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