Contentmart – 5 things you need to know about writing articles


Article writing is different from other forms of writing. It can be based on specific genre, fiction or non-fiction. One need to know the important steps in writing articles. Articles are basically compressed information of a particular topic. They can be huge in no of words or around 600-800 words. All depends on the subject and complexity of the topic.

Contentmart gives you 5 things you need to know before you start writing articles

  1. Choose your topic

Choose the topic that best interests you to write. If the topic is broad, skim the information. You can do that by jotting down the important points of each paragraph. Then write a first draft of the article, and try to incorporate a lot of other writing related information that relies on and around your topic. Make sure you rework on the first draft the next day. Get as many points you can so as to filter and keep the best content lines that suit the article objectively. Check out the Contentmart platform to know more.

  1. Identify readers

This is one of the crucial steps in writing articles, you need to know to what type of audience you are planning to write. Unless you don’t know about the audience needs, it is very difficult to deliver the content. Understanding the audience needs will help you craft content that they are looking for.

  1. Create a strong attention grabbing headline

In-depth research of Contentmart says, No reader will even open the article if the headline is not effective. Even If you have a very good content that solving the target audience problems, readers will not open the link. It is simply because of the not so strong headline. So always make sure, you create a strong title for your article. It is completely okay to spend time on crafting an attention-grabbing headline. Once you have created a headline then move to the content part and write the full story how the title of the articles. Focus more on how to rather than what to.

  1. Research

Give the statistic quotations for your article. Dig more into your research part and spend quality time for research. Who knows you might get some value added information. The information could be anecdotes of your topic or quotes that are relevant to your topic. Try as much as quantifiable you can. People love number and if you are citing some statistic numbers in your article, it shows a well-researched article and builds trust for the readers.

  1. Edit, Read, Revise and Repeat

That’s it! Edit your final draft then read and revise and make sure you are addressing the specifics of your topic. If it still asks for some more edits repeat this activity. Repeating this task twice will destroy all your small minute errors from the content and look your article genuine and 100% natural.

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